And I was sitting there thinking, "man it is so nice to finally sit here, confident in my geekiness to not even care what everyone around me is thinking..."
Yeah, well, guess what!? I may have self confidence in who I am... but I still CAN'T walk!
what happens when two geeks fall in love
Sits up propped with pillows
Has taken a toy to his mouth after grabbing it (not sure if this was on accident, haven't seen it again)
Weighs 14 lbs+
Tries to sit up in his car seat (looks like he's doing little crunches)
He's growing fast! He's such a happy boy, but I'm wondering if he is indeed teething. He doesn't like to chew on the teething rings I have... but he does LOVE to chomp on my fingers.
Here is Reid's super cute church outfit. Yeah, the sweater is too big, and the label says 9 months, but eh, it still looks super cute. :)
Oh, and his chunki-ness moved to his arms.