October 2011 - Leann's birthday happened amidst a 7 week old infant, and brother's wedding and a trip to AZ, a baby shower for much awaited little nephew, Matt's insane work hours, and a baby's blessing. So needless to say my birthday got a bit overshadowed. My parents were still very kind and got me a ice cream cake (my favorite), and sang to me. I enjoyed the moment and just let it pass as I didn't have much time to focus on that.
November 2011 - Matt kept trying to find out what I wanted to do/for my birthday, albeit a little late. I finally decided what I wanted was a dinner out. A really nice dinner. No work, no kids, just us, and some incredibly delicious food that I didn't prepare. And I wanted nice.... not so nice that the portions are teeny tiny and the food is prettier than me... but nice in that it was quality food with lots of flavor. I LOVE going out to eat and since quitting work, we don't go out very much, so this is truly a treat for me.
However, this month Matt was getting calls for work at night and on the weekends. I did not want my evening of relaxation to be ruined by work... so I told him to wait until work wasn't so crazy, so I could enjoy it.
Naturally I put my friend G up to the task of helping me pick a restaurant. We discussed prices and food amounts and food tastes and such. Finally landing on a choice of Mainstreet Grill. She even offered the perfect set up. Come to her house, feed the baby and then leave, so as to maximize the worry free time allotment when it comes to babies you aren't certain will take a bottle.
So now to picking a day. We found one, early December...
December 2011 - We got to go on our date. We dressed up for each other, we dropped off the kids and headed to our little getaway. And let me tell you, it was HEAVEN! It may have lasted only 1.5 hours, but it was perfect bliss for me! The salad, oh the salad with bleu cheese and candied pecans, strawberries, and balsalmic vinegarette, the fried avocado for an appetizer, the steak and veggies prepared to perfection and with delicious seasonings, and then the ice cream sandwich that was seriously pure heaven, trust me this ain't no cheesy ice cream sandwich, we are talking pastries worthy of European origin on top and bottom, delicious cream ice cream rolled in candied nuts, drizzled with chocolate fudge yumminess... oh man, I'm drueling just remembering it. I felt like my taste buds were doing that little dance from Ratatouille, where Remy is trying to explain flavors to his brother. My mouth was singing. I loved it!!!! My birthday was a success. (also need to thank my kind brother for helping pay the bill by giving us a gift card after they came to stay with us)
(G's kids love Weston while we were gone! Can you blame them? He was very loved that night)
Well, Matt's birthday is also December. And he loves to celebrate on the day. So we made plans with friends to bbq and put kids to bed and play games all night. Matt still wanted to go out to eat... so we started searching. Found a community magazine and checked out some restaurants in there. Matt decided he wanted mexican food. Sounded good to me. So we found one, and decided to try and head out the night before his birthday. No luck with babysitters, so we trekked the kids with us this time. They were champs! No complaining, just happy eating and smiles! We enjoyed our dinners... good classic flavors for a good cheap price... I love mexican food! I mentioned it was his birthday, so when it was time, out came the sombrero and the delicious dessert.
The dessert was good, but the true entertainment was the hat. This thing was so huge, the girl in the booth behind Matt, had to duck to not get hit by it. It was awesome!
(If you look close, you can see her ducking)
The next day Reid came down with a terrible fever. Matt and I were still recovering from something as well. So we cancelled our bbq, and stayed in. I still made a cake, nothing extravagant as I don't know how to do sick kids and still do everything else, but it was a yummy cake. (win for the recipe on the back of the Hersey's cocoa powder) But considering all it was a good cake. In spite of feeling terrible, Reid love singing Happy Birthday... he loved it so much, we did it again 3 days later for family home evening.... candles and all! A little ridiculous, but when they are 2 and running fever, why not?
Happy Birthday to us!