Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The First Month with Two

The first month of Weston's life was full of all the normal adjustments and recoveries required with child birth and additions to family.  We survived it thanks to AMAZING parents!  My parents were able to stick around for two weeks and cook, clean, babysit, purchase absurd amounts of food, and repair various things around our house!  Matt's parents only had a couple days, but I still got laundry folded, meals cooked and paid for, and entertainment for Reid!  It was a blast.  We even had a special visit from Matt's cousin who had a business trip here, which is fun cuz he was MY friend in high school, before I even met Matt.

We are so happy to have Weston here and have been working on adjusting, so this is late, but I want to write a few things down before I forget them.

1 Month Stats:
Weight: 10lb 2oz
Length: 22in
Head: 38in
Sleeps 5-6 hours at night (bless you child!)
Smiles but not always at us
Great eater
Spits up a ton
Gives me presents in his diaper almost every diaper change
Had the worst diaper rash and I struggled to figure out the trouble.  (at this point I tried changing my diet to help, but nothing)
Reid liked to tickle his toes and hands
Reid would check on Weston first thing in the morning, but other than occasional tickles, he didn't really care.
Everything else is a blur  :)

 3 weeks old

1 month old

One super fun thing we were able to do with Matt's parents (which completely wore me out though) was going to the Old Pecan Street Fall Festival.  Legos had a station there were you could race your cars.  Needless to say, Reid LOVED it.  There were some great naps had that day.

1 comment:

The Wilker Family said...

Way to go surviving your first month! Not an easy thing to do! Hope things are continuing to go well for you and your cute little boys!