Friday, April 4, 2008

What Does It Mean to be a Geek?

This post is long overdue....

So the other night, we were at some friend's house. And some logistical questions came up about my religion. For instance, how does the church's welfare system work? How does a church leader know when they can help someone with welfare needs? Is it weird that both my husband and myself can answer that? Is it weird that I know about the inner workings? OH NO... Am I Religion Geek? I mean, I know I'm a computer geek, Star Wars Geek, EE Geek, Video Games Geek... but did I let it drip into the religious side of my life?

But then I composed myself, took a few chill pills (haha, remember that phrase, ok, I really am I geek) and thought, what is it that makes a geek a geek? Is it because I know a lot about something? Or is it the obsessive nature about 1 specific topic? Is it that you are the expert on a topic in your group of friends?! Or could it be simply that you take that topic to such a far extreme that you stop wearing costumes only on Halloween?!! Or that you in fact change your name legally to Obi-Wan Kenobi!?! whoa, ok, ok, gotta calm down again.

So I am putting a question out to you readers? What is a Geek? What defines it? I know that you can't spell geek without a EE (Electrical Engineer), but there has to be more to it than that? And can't their be music geeks? And scrapbooking geeks? And what about business geeks? Or car geeks? Are there types? Or what is a geek versus a dork or a nerd? I must understand this.


G said...

Growing up I always thought "geek" and "nerd" were interchangeable (while "dork" was totally unrelated, simply meaning "uncool" I think) but then while I was receiving my "higher education" (or because?) I learned to distinguish nerds as a special subset of geeks.

It's okay to be a geek, but not a nerd. I think geek is kinda what you said. Anyone that knows too much about any one topic and gets a little too excited about it. I think the key is that your level of involvement with a topic makes almost all other people uncomfortable. I think that's why "geek" is most often associated with math and science, cuz let's face it, MOST people aren't comfortable with those topics.

To be a nerd requires that you are a geek who is incapable of some semblance of normal human interaction. The geekiness permeates every aspect of your life and you're incapable of "turning it off" for a little while.

At least that is my two cents.

{Speaking of geekiness, how geeky [and too long (and too full of nested parentheses)] is this comment!?!?!}

Megan Turnidge said...

You know, I don't really know what distinguishes them apart from eachother... I just think dork is worse than geek. And, were you talking about me when you mentioned scrapbooking geeks?! LOL! I am, especially since it requires I constantly use my comp.